jeroen 8 days ago

> Files in Git can be in one of these three states: Modified, Staged, Committed

> Staged: The current version of the modified file is staged to be included in the next commit.

A bit of a nitpick, but if I change a file, "git add" it, and then change it again, both of these statements are false.

  • jjmarr 8 days ago

    I use git add -p somewhat frequently to do partial staging of a file to split up my changes into multiple commits.

    • sham1 8 days ago

      `git add -p` is such a nice utility. Sometimes I do wish that it could also be used for unstages files, so that if I'm introducing a new file, I could still break its contents up into multiple commits.

      Of course, the workaround there is that one adds the initial file into the staging area and then `git add -p` the subsequent changes. It could just be a bit more convenient on that front, is all.

      • matheusmoreira 8 days ago

        It can, you just gotta do a magic incantation first.

          git add -N file
          git add -p file
        The first command signals to git that you intend to add the file. That makes its entire content show up in the patch editor.
        • sham1 3 days ago

          TIL! I seem to have just missed the `-N`/`--intend-to-add` while perusing through the `git-add(1)` manual.

          Heh, it[0] even notes a similar use case:

          > `-N` > `--intent-to-add` > > Record only the fact that the path will be added later. An entry for the path is placed in the index with no content. This is useful for, among other things, showing the unstaged content of such files with `git diff` and committing them with `git commit -a`.

          [0]: <>

      • tczMUFlmoNk 7 days ago


            git add file
            git reset -p file
    • johnisgood 8 days ago

      Wow, I have been using git for ages but I did not know about this. I was relying on magit (for Emacs) and git-cola.

      • masklinn 7 days ago

        Magit does interactive staging (and unstaging) a lot better than git itself does.

        In d u, you can “s” on a file or hunk and it’ll stage just that. And if you select lines (c-spc?) it’ll stage just those lines.

        To unstage, go to d s and use “u” the same way.

        The massive advantage aside from line-wise staging is that you don’t need to stage linearly.

      • ht85 8 days ago

        You can also discard changes that way, e.g.:

            git checkout -p -- .
        • johnisgood 8 days ago

          I will have to read about how to use it, because it shows some hunks on a page, and I do not want to stage all of them, for example.

          • jeroen 8 days ago

            When it shows you a hunk that's bigger than you like, you can use 's' to split it into smaller hunks.

            • johnisgood 8 days ago

              Thank you!

              • harry_ord 7 days ago

                Cherrypick (-p) is wonderful. A command I also like is rebase interactive(-I)

                Git rebase -i HEAD~[number of commits]

                • johnisgood 7 days ago

                  Yeah, I use `git rebase -i HEAD~n` a lot.

  • gurjeet 7 days ago

    I think if the word "Files" was replaced with "A change [in a file]", then the statement holds true. Perhaps a better phrasing:

    > In Git, a change in a file, can be in one of these three states: unstaged, Staged, Committed

archmaster 8 days ago

This is pretty cool. Worth noting that Git does not actually only store full copies of files every time you make a change, this article I found does a really good job at explaining Git's packing:

  • glandium 8 days ago

    It actually does. Until you run git gc or it runs automatically, and your blobs are packed.

    • masklinn 8 days ago

      “Objects” rather than “blobs”, in git “blobs” means specifically file contents (/ unstructured as technically you can use blobs for arbitrary storage) but all objects can be delta’d during packing.

chrisweekly 8 days ago

Nice writeup. Reminds me of a Julia Evans post (which is the highest praise I could give it).

mirrorlake 7 days ago

Reminds me of this talk [0] led by CB Bailey, a top answerer on StackOverflow for the tag 'git' [1].

They create commits from scratch from the command line--manually creating each /.git/ file with shell commands and a text editor. Really fun talk. Would highly recommend it for people who were planning on learning about git internals at some point.

[0] "How does Git actually work? - CB Bailey & Andy Balaam [ACCU 2019]"


JOnAgain 8 days ago

I love blog posts like this. Content like this is what I come to hacker news for.

Thank you.

larusso 8 days ago

Nice article. What is interesting to me is the reactions to articles like this. Not the fact that the git internals are not widely known, I mean that is true for nearly any more complicated topic. In this case I mean the fact that this is actually well documented.

Don’t get me wrong. I think articles like these help a lot to demystify git and I believe it makes the tool easier to use and reason with when one knows what it does. But why is nobody finding or reading the later chapters in the docs?

  • avestura 8 days ago

    Creating a Git commit using low-level commands was always something I wanted to do, but I never found the time to really deepen my knowledge of Git. I have actually googled if I could find a blog post or something in this topic, but I've failed to find one. Finally, I got the chance, and for the past couple of weekends, I’ve been reading the Pro Git book (which it seems it's the same content as I believe it’s a good practice to write a blog post about a topic after finishing a book (teaching is a good way of submitting knowledge in memory). To my surprise, creating a Git commit using plumbing commands was already covered in the final chapters of the book. I thought it would be a good idea to simplify that process and write a blog post which can be read under 10 minutes, allowing those who haven’t read the book yet (like myself in the past) to get a basic understanding of what Git is doing under the hood.

    > But why is nobody finding or reading the later chapters in the docs?

    I think to read the latest chapter of a book, one usually needs to read the earlier ones too. I personally don't jump directly to the internals when I want to read about something, because I'd then assume I am missing a lot of context and background.

    • ErikBjare 8 days ago

      I haven't read a "book" like this chapter-by-chapter since I first learned Python by reading the docs.

  • masklinn 8 days ago

    > But why is nobody finding or reading the later chapters in the docs?

    Because most people don’t ever read the book period. 90% of users follow a basic tutorial or instruction sheet to get the five commands they’ll use by rote and go no further.

    And, separately, the internals section of the book are mostly uselessly shallow, so if you start digging into that you quickly forget that the book even has one such section.

mhh__ 7 days ago

> git

On the topic, I'm just going to plug the tool git-branchless. Completely transformative for my use of git at work. Stacked commits that actually work!

AndreasHae 8 days ago

Fantastic article! It seems to me that the flexibility of low-level git objects would lend itself to be embedded in other software systems for version control purposes (e.g. tracking changes in a CMS)

forgotpwd16 8 days ago

Up to commit-tree, a nice programming challenge is implementing those commands from scratch.

faangguyindia 8 days ago

I used to struggle with formatting my Git commit messages and often forgot the necessary Git commands.

Now, I've found a utility (made by my brother who shared it with me a few days ago and I told him to opensource it since I liked it soo much) that handles all the formatting and rewriting for me. I just write my commits, and it takes care of the rest.

Here's a video demonstrating this magic (though it's for rsync): [](

Check out the utility here: [](

  • Vampiero 8 days ago

    The last thing I want is for some LLM to tell me to rm -rf /. Neat POC but the tech just isn't there yet and I hope that everyone on HN who isn't shilling an AI product knows that.

  • nneonneo 8 days ago

    That repo is only nine hours old, so I’m assuming you wrote this tool yourself. If so, I think the lack of a disclaimer (that you’re promoting your own tool) is somewhat dishonest.

    • faangguyindia 8 days ago

      You are partially correct, but I am not the owner of this project.

      I edited my original post to reflect this