wcjiang 10 days ago

This is a project I've been working on since I became unemployed. As I developed the app, I learned Swift along the way. Not only did it help me master Swift development, but I also created an app that can perform various tasks without relying on online tools, such as SSL management, image watermarking, NPM statistics, URL decoding, and more.

The app runs entirely offline. You can check it out here: https://github.com/jaywcjlove/DevHub

To keep DevHub healthy and well-maintained, I accept donations as a way to generate some income and continue working on it. The app is almost free, and if the tools don't meet your needs, feel free to email me. I’d be happy to hear your ideas and possibly develop small tools for you at no cost.

  • rwl4 8 days ago

    Nice looking app!

    Very similar to DevUtils (https://devutils.com), but with a much more friendly pricing scheme which is great.

    I'm curious though, why link to the GitHub site if it's not an open source app? You even do GitHub releases of what I guess are just the readme files and screenshots?

    • doganugurlu 8 days ago

      I thought it was open source as soon as I saw the GitHub link. I imagine that’s why.

    • wcjiang 8 days ago

      Since I don't have the funds to set up a server for hosting the website, GitHub Pages offers this service, and it's also a great platform for gathering user feedback.

    • warlord2 8 days ago

      The intention was to dupe people into thinking it's FOSS.

  • a9entroy 8 days ago

    Can also please add a license.

    I would love to give this a try if it has an MIT license.

    • dchest 8 days ago

      There's no code in this repo.

    • wcjiang 8 days ago

      Oh, the GitHub repository is only used to host the app's website and gather user feedback.

  • wouldbecouldbe 8 days ago

    Would love to get an offline LLAMA in there, that would allow me to go fully offline at times & focus more!

    • bombi 8 days ago

      LMStudio + AnythingLLM

    • wcjiang 8 days ago

      That's a great idea, but it might be a separate app.

primaprashant 8 days ago

I use the self-hosted version of IT-Tools [1] on my own subdomain. I find it helpful that I can access these tools no matter which machine I'm using (as long as I have an internet connection).

[1] https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools/

  • flaie 8 days ago

    Looks nice, I didn't knew about this tool. Sad to see 217 open PR, and nothing gets merged.

    • michelb 8 days ago

      Yeah, this is a bit weird. Although someone seems to be committing lately, but there hasn't been a release yet.

sureIy 8 days ago

This is the kind of tools you bookmark and then never use again because the solution is always one Google search away (or LLM shell command away)

I installed a tool exactly like this one maybe a year ago and never opened it.

  • chrisvalleybay 8 days ago

    `LLM Shell`. This is a good concept and naming for these interfaces to the LLMs.

    • FractalHQ 7 days ago

      I think they meant a shell command that talks to an LLM, like typing ?? into a terminal that has Copilot CLI installed:

          ?? convert images to webp and upload them to s3
fippi 8 days ago

Impressive! But sadly closed source is a big limiting factor for me. I've been using the similar `devtools-x` for a couple of years now (https://github.com/fosslife/devtools-x) which hosts a bit of a smaller featureset but is still in active development. Nice work nonetheless!

  • Sparkenstein 8 days ago

    Author of devtools-x here. Thank you for the support :D. We have 40+ features now (not counting json-to-yaml and yaml-to-json as 2 different tools), feel free to request any specific feature you want on the issue tracker. Will be more than happy to implement it.

pauljara 8 days ago

Will you be posting the actual source code to GitHub? The repository just has screenshots and some markdown files.

blopker 8 days ago

This is great, thank you for sharing! The QR code generator alone sold me on getting it. So many online generators demand I make an account for some reason.

It would be amazing if this were extendable with plugins though. I have a ton of custom terminal scripts for my workflows, but some of them would just be better with a simple UI. Global hotkeys that take me right to the tool would be awesome too.

Edit: it looks like global hotkeys can be done with the URL Scheme feature and Raycast. Nice.

  • llarsson 8 days ago

    Do you need fancy looking ones or just barebones QR codes? Because the latter you can just get from the qrcode Python package and simply go "qr news.ycombinator.com > hn.png" in your terminal.


idle_zealot 8 days ago

What's the opposite of the UNIX philosophy?

  • Jnr 8 days ago

    Bloatware philosophy?

  • rcaught 8 days ago

    Make one program do no one thing well.

hakube 8 days ago

Uses a GitHub link without the actual source code. Where's the source code?

zodvik 8 days ago


I built https://utils.foo last week. Client side only + ads free. Idea is to keep adding more utils to it, but keep it client side only.

  • joseda-hg 7 days ago

    Maybe onsider making it a PWA? If it's client side only it would probably benefit from being installable and kept around via cache for offline use

    Since I didnt get a popup to install and didn't see a manifest I assume this isn't in the plans, Maybe you have another solution for it like a web wrapper?

marban 8 days ago

Since you already do Favicons, a set of the usual suspects (512x512, apple-touch-icon.png, etc.) would be nice.

alluro2 8 days ago

That "Life Countdown" screenshot was a heavy gut punch - uncalled-for.

Amazing set of utilities, kudos!

ARandomerDude 8 days ago

This is a massive set of capabilities, including an SSL manager, with a ReadMe written in flawless English. It’s perfect for widespread adoption. And the developer lives in...China. Hard pass.

  • crancher 8 days ago

    Please elaborate.

    • sureIy 8 days ago

      They’re suggesting it is or might become a CCP Trojan horse

      • sanbor 8 days ago

        Curiously, there is a similar tool made by GCHQ (UK's intelligence) https://github.com/gchq/CyberChef which I don't use neither because of trust issues (even though it's open source)

      • dakiol 8 days ago

        In that case, wouldn’t it make sense to use an English name and a fake profile picture of a white male? These 2 things are one click away. If I were trying to spread malware, I wouldn’t use a chinese name!

        • cced 8 days ago

          Exactly. This is just reactionary fear-mongering. Once you start thinking about it a bit more, it completely falls apart: - what about expats living in China? - what about Chinese citizens living abroad? - what about Chinese born citizens that have switch nationalities?

          Again, the point I’m making is that we’re even entertaining the discussion because of the target country.

  • neighbour 8 days ago

    What's so bad about the developer living in China?

    • cced 8 days ago

      OP thinks it’s ok to discriminate if China-x is the subject of discrimination, or watches too much anti-CN fear porn which has normalized this type of behavior.

      • selectnull 8 days ago

        And yet... the repo has no source code, posted a github link to HN crowd that expects an a github link to actually be some sort of open source.

        This is certainly not the typical "Show HN look at what I've done" post. I'm not accusing the OP of being malicious, but also caution is advised (as always).

        • cced 8 days ago

          I’m sure everyone will make the same type of remarks and take the same kinds of precautions the next time a closed-source project from someone in SanFran gets posted here.

          Let’s not dance around the topic, the whole “take head” thread has to do with CN, not because it’s closed source else he may have mentioned it, but he didn’t.

          • selectnull 8 days ago

            I don't know if we read the same HN, but I read the complaints about something not being open source (or not being *true* open source) all the time. JoeFromSanFran is certainly not exempt from those issues. Nothing to do with where the author comes from.

            You're implying that the problem is exclusively because of country of origin. But my comment did not even mention that and was only about the software not being open source, while at the same time a link posted was github link.

            So why not post a link to a website? Or app store? Why github?

            • cced 8 days ago

              I don’t know what’s confusing. You’re replying to a post which references a parent post that doesn’t mention open source and is fond of everything until Parent learns OP is living in China.

              > And the developer lives in...China. Hard pass.

              This isn’t complex. Parent is rejecting OP’s work because he’s from China, not because it’s closed source, otherwise he would have mentioned it, he didn’t and now you’re acting as though _you_ mentioning open source should also somehow apply to OP?

              I’m referring specifically to OP, not sure why you’re muddying the waters with “well not all HN posts say x,y”.

              • selectnull 7 days ago

                My comment actually added information (not being OS while posting a github link), to a previous China being hard pass comment.

                While I agree that being from China is not problem, you continue harping on with it and completely disregard any discussion on my comment. Yes, this is really not complex.

                • cced 7 days ago

                  I don’t know what clarifications are needed or why you felt the need to reply “yes but” to a “racism is bad, don’t do it” comment, it’s not a good look.

                  It’s kind of irrelevant that Open > close source. Many other comments have pointed this out, yours included but the issue at hand here is the remarks regarding OPs nationality/origin. If you want your ideas validated there are tons of comments in this thread doing so, you don’t need me to agree with it. I personally prefer OS, but don’t have any issues with closed source software. However, that’s not the issue at hand.

                  Comments like these and follow-ups like “yeah but actually it’s closed source”, that don’t immediately call out racism, end up normalizing this type of behavior which is not acceptable.

                  Would you also have sidestepped the obvious racism had OP been from Africa?

                  Say yes to OS software and no to racism, it shouldn't need to be said that ignoring racist remarks and/or glossing over them like they aren’t there promotes/enables that behavior.

                  • selectnull 7 days ago

                    When you pull out the racism card I don't find that you're arguing in good faith anymore. Good luck in your wokeness crusade.

                    • cced 7 days ago

                      There’s nothing bad faith about calling someone out for being a bigot but I agree with your sentiment that there’s probably not much left to discuss.

                      As an aside, is it really so hard to ask not to get bombarded with state department red scare propaganda anytime anything CN pops up? OP happens to be from CN, shares his work, and CPC comments are made.

                      There’s a serious lack of empathy around these parts and there really doesn’t need to be.

moi2388 8 days ago

Yeah I’m not going to run Chinese closed source software but tyvm

  • boffinAudio 8 days ago

    What makes American closed source software safer?

    • John23832 8 days ago

      The alternative is not just American closed source software. It could be American or Chinese OPEN source software.

  • irrlichthn 8 days ago

    Why not? You likely already do on your phone.

    • minkles 8 days ago

      Plus your coffee machine is watching you and relaying information back to CCP command already. That beady little flashing LED is the heartbeat of communism!

      Somewhere in a bunker in rural China: "Look moi2388 has pressed Americano again. Imperialist scum!"

      • moi2388 7 days ago

        I do like my coffee to make political statements for me. It gives me more of a kick than the caffeine does /s