AI use cases in software development other than coding

5 points by dror-fine 3 days ago

What workflows are you using AI for in your SDLC?

Here are a few from Dan Leshem's workshop: 1) Adding context to issues (AI searches codebase for relevant files, searches tech stack for related issues, adds information to technical specs)

2) Turn meeting to release. Use AI meeting transcript tool. Have AI summarize and turn into draft technical specifications. Review. Have AI turn into implementation plan. Review. Have AI implement and create PR.

3) Create self-healing CI/CD. Using CircleCI etc, when pipeline fails LLM analyzes run logs, generates troubleshoot report and suggests or commits possible fix.

4) Generating changelog for stakeholders daily/weekly by collecting PRs and issues.

What other use cases have you found apart from building apps from scratch? Particularly for backend developers as there's lots of front end examples on the internet.

With o1 + Fine some of these workflows can really deliver.

HaggaiHof 3 days ago

Thx for sharing Dror. Which integrations are supportive for these workflows?