mergisi 2 days ago

Yes, solo entrepreneurs can definitely benefit from an AI with a "cofounder personality." As the founder of , which reached $9K MRR, I've seen firsthand how an AI can assist with decision-making, brainstorming, and automating tasks, helping scale the business faster. While it won't replace the human element, it can certainly provide valuable support and insights.

VoodooJuJu 2 days ago

No, but I'd wager that many would pay for the illusion of a benefit, especially while GPTs are still trending. A lot of startups collect tons of little microservices like this. They're typically willing to pay up to a few hundred bucks annually for each of these of these types of services.

jerrygoyal 2 days ago

co-founders bring new ideas. Think of AI more like domain experts.

  • codegladiator 2 days ago

    > Think of AI more like domain experts

    more like domain averages

gillhzz 2 days ago

Just use it like a tool…