imjonse 2 days ago

This is calling out to a proprietary API, it is not happening inside Colab.

nodeshiftcloud 2 days ago

This is a fantastic resource for developers interested in experimenting with multiple LLMs without the overhead of setting up separate environments. However, as @imjonse mentioned, it seems that the notebook calls out to proprietary APIs, meaning the heavy lifting isn't happening entirely within Colab. Can anyone shed light on which parts are executed externally versus locally? Also, are there open-source alternatives that allow for fully local fine-tuning and deployment within Colab or other accessible platforms?

  • gauravvij137 2 days ago

    For sure, the request is going to a proprietary API for heavy lifting but the idea of this colab notebook is to extend the possibility of running 100s of experiments by calling out an API that handles the experiments as requested while the colab notebook becomes that single session of performing experiments on different models, hyperparameters and datasets, perform evals on all and get one final deployment.

antimemetics 2 days ago

Who is still finetuning Dreambooth in 2024? I thought they had been entirely replaced by Loras…

sparshbhasin 2 days ago

Super helpful for developers like me that have limited fine-tuning knowledge. Thanks for sharing.