janhecker 2 days ago

Hey HN,

I work full-time in an office and I often wake up wondering who's in the office that day. Depending on who's there, I either decide to go to the office or work remotely. It’s a small but recurring decision that takes time and effort each day.

The problem is, there’s no easy way to check this quickly from my phone. Google Calendar doesn’t offer a built-in feature to show where my colleagues are working from today (office or remote).

So, I’m building whereworking?! — a simple tool to see at a glance who’s in the office and who’s not, allowing you to make a quick decision about whether to head in or stay home. It might just be a single feature, but it's fulfilling my personal use case.

Would love to get some feedback from you, especially those with hybrid or non-remote jobs. Wdyt about this?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

treesknees 2 days ago

I'm not sure many people are asking for a tool like this or would use it outside of existing tools like Slack and Teams status, or Microsoft Outlook (where they do support putting your work location, unlike Google apparently.)

I work hybrid (for now) and I probably wouldn't use this, and certainly wouldn't pay for it unless my employer would foot the bill.

To give a more pessimistic take, hybrid work schedules are disappearing - not just Amazon but many companies are taking away this ambiguity of work location by simply demanding people work in an office, or you find a job that's 100% remote. I don't know that there will be a ton of demand for a tool like this.

I will admit it's a crafty use of the .ing TLD.