robertlagrant a day ago

This seems good, but can it also be done via ACLs in vanilla Kubernetes?

  • Telemaco019 a day ago

    Thanks Robert! Yes, you can achieve this with ACLs in Kubernetes, but it requires setting up multiple Roles and contexts. Even then, you might accidentally switch to a higher-permission Role and accidentally run a risky command, thinking you're in a different cluster or using a low-permission user.

    Kubesafe is just an extra safety net to prevent those kind of accidents :)

    • robertlagrant a day ago

      That makes sense - thanks for the reply.

JohnMakin a day ago

I am not trying to shit on this, sorry - but can't you achieve the same thing with rudimentary automation, and barring that, rudimentary scripting? This seems to just be adding y/n prompts to certain contexts. How's that different than a bash wrapper script that does something like this?

context=$(grep "current-context:" ~/.kube/config | grep "*prod*")

if [[ -z ${context} ]]

then # do the command

else # do a y/n prompt


Am I missing something?

  • Telemaco019 a day ago

    Thanks for the feedback John! You're right, that's pretty much it :)

    I developed kubesafe because (1) I was tired of tinkering with shell aliases and scripts (especially when I wanted to define protected commands) and (2) I needed something that worked smoothly with all Kubernetes tools like kubectl, helm, kubecolor, etc.

    Kubesafe is just a convenient way to manage protected commands and contexts. Nothing too fancy!

    Btw - I also found a kubectl plugin written in Bash that’s similar to what you mentioned, in case you're interested:

    • JohnMakin a day ago

      thanks for the explanation, I like the idea

      • Telemaco019 a day ago

        You're welcome! And thanks again for the feedback!