montroser 15 hours ago

This "training" document tries to convince reporters that they can have natural-sounding conversations on air, that are actually preplanned and fully scripted. Of course in practice, it is nearly impossible.

In fact, it seems a misplaced goal in the first place, for a news organization presenting itself as an authentic source of information, acting in the public interest -- to invest so much in a format that is fundamentally inauthentic.

Could this be part of the reason that listenership is declining?

  • tocs3 15 hours ago

    I think it might be. I have come to like the writing better. I hope they get it figured out they have have a lot of interesting stuff.

  • delichon 15 hours ago

    It's an uncanny valley. You either need to do less prep (Joe Rogan) or much more (Martin Scorsese) to sound natural.