Built my first ever web app in Cursor in 1.5 weeks

2 points by hiddenstreet a day ago

Hey HN,

I've spent a considerable amount of time witnessing others building impressive things with Claude, GPT, Cursor, Bolt etc. As a non-dev I decided to give it a shot and build a full stack web app using react/resend/and supabase. I tried to learn programming for years but never was fully able to commit due to getting hung up on syntax and logic in different languages.

Over the last 1.5 weeks, I used Cursor to build an AI agent directory that can take submissions and emails, with a full front and and backend.

It was pretty eye opening. I can truly see that everyone will become a creator with a unique personality applied to different crafts because AI reduces the barrier to execute. The whole notion of remix culture from software will be really exciting.

Anyway, during the build I did encounter some challenges configuring the database in regards to image loading, so I hired someone from Upwork to help push to production.

I plan to continue adding submissions until I reach 100 agents and discover new features along the way.

Throwing in a link: https://www.agentat.work/

I’d love to hear your thoughts or suggestions on how to best build with Cursor/AI and improve a site for loading speeds. Also if anyone has built a directory before would love tips.

Design inspo was from Mobbin, ShadCN, and V0!

Thanks for reading!